Inventory Management System

A multiple-screen JavaFX application for the user to manage an Inventory System for Part and Products. The application will allow the user to enter, edit, and delete Parts (In-House or Out-Sourced) and Products data. It should validate the data entered by the user. This application will NOT persist data into a database.

Overall Course Competencies:

  • Classes and Interfaces
    • The graduate designs software solutions with appropriate classes, objects, methods, and interfaces to achieve specific goals.
  • Object-Oriented Principles
    • The graduate implements object-oriented design principles (e.g., inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction) in developing applications for ensuring the application’s scalability.
  • Application Development
    • The graduate produces applications using Java programming language constructs to meet business requirements.
  • Exception Handling
    • The graduate incorporates simple exception handling in application development for improving user experience and application stability.
  • User Interface Development
    • The graduate develops user interfaces to meet project requirements.